In the Democratic Republic of Congo’s Virunga National Park, tragedy struck in 2007. Poachers took the life of Ndakasi’s mother, leaving the two-month-old clinging to her lifeless body. Yet, Ndakasi’s story wouldn’t end there. Rescued by park rangers, she would find a path filled with kindness and love.
Freshly rescued from the wild, Ndakasi soon found solace in Andre Bauma, the caretaker at the park’s gorilla orphanage. Recognizing her vulnerability on this first night away from her mother, Bauma remained by her side constantly.
Park staff recounted a heartwarming scene: Andre cradled baby Ndakasi close to his bare chest, offering warmth and comfort throughout a torrential rainstorm that raged all night. Thankfully, Ndakasi’s resilience, along with the care of Bauma and the orphanage staff, ensured not only her survival but also a happy and healthy childhood.
This was beautifully captured in a sweet 2019 selfie released by the park, where Ndakasi beamed alongside her loved ones.
Park staff cherished every day with Ndakasi, a testament to the resilience of a life saved from tragedy. Given the circumstances of her rescue as a helpless infant, each day felt like a gift. However, fate would have it that this precious time would be cut short.
Park staff shared a heartwarming memory: Ndakasi, rescued as a helpless infant, defied the odds and lived a fulfilling life until the age of 14. Sadly, a recent illness took her from them this week. Though her time was cut tragically short, her final moments, filled with love, became a testament to the enduring bond she shared with her caregivers.
“The park reported that Ndakasi passed away while being held by her caregiver and lifelong friend, Andre Bauma”
The guardians at the sanctuary in Virunga National Park are steadfast in their commitment and wouldn’t want things any differently.
Bauma remarked that there is a bond connecting us. The guardians and the gorillas share “a remarkably close relationship.”