Morocho, the courageous Dogo, saved two young girls by fending off a puma attack.
A few months back, Ulises (Dr. Nores Martines’ grandson) decided to run errands in La Cocha. She brought his 10-year-old daughter, Sofa, planning a quick round trip that day. Thankfully, the journey went smoothly.
Upon reaching the estancia, foreman Tomás wasted no time getting to work alongside Ulises. Meanwhile, Tomás’s daughter, Yoli, accompanied by Sofa, sought permission to visit a large fig tree nearly 700 yards from the main house, eager to pick and enjoy some figs.
Yoli, approximately 7 feet off the ground, heard the rustling leaves and swaying branches of the tree.

Looking up, Yoli spotted a massive puma leaping down from the higher branches. The beast struck her with one of its paws, knocking her down from a two-meter height, causing her to land on her back.
Whenever they passed through the estancia, Ulises’ prized Dogo, Morocho, playfully wagged his tail at them, as he often did.
Morocho, the Dogo Argentino, risked his life to rescue two young children when he confronted a puma. Upon hearing the girls’ screams, Yoli’s father hurried off as fast as he could.
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