She pushed through the paralyzing pain from being hit by a motorcycle and focused on caring for her hungry new puppies.
After being tragically struck by a motorcycle, Dora, a 4-year-old mother dog, was left for dead on the streets of Mexico. The impact completely severed and fractured her spine, leaving her paralyzed in an instant. Despite the excruciating pain coursing through her body, Dora’s maternal instincts kicked in immediately. Ignoring her own suffering, she mustered the strength to check on her young puppies, who relied entirely on her for care and comfort.

Despite her critical condition, Dora conscientiously attended to her trash for a full week, driven by deep concern for her children’s future, understanding the precious gift her body bestowed upon them. Upon being found by rescuers, she resolved to persevere, motivated solely by her unconditional love for her invaluable children.
The rescuers felt Dora’s determination as they provided her with food, quickly rescuing all her puppies and rushing her to the hospital. After a thorough examination, the veterinarian recommended spinal surgery to repair her spine, acknowledging that she might never regain the ability to walk on her own again.
Over the next few weeks, the rescuers ensured that Dora’s puppies found nurturing forever homes before focusing entirely on her medical treatment. Dora demonstrated remarkable determination in learning to manage her front leg, aided by surgery that partially alleviated acute nerve damage. Watch Dora regain her independence in this video as she navigates a wheelchair. She now resides happily in a specialized animal sanctuary that caters to animals with unique needs, where she receives the care she deserves.
Dora’s story is not just about being a responsible mother; it also exemplifies resilience, serving as a true source of inspiration for all of us.