Dogs are some of the purest beings on Earth. Simple daily activities, like going for a walk or seeing their owners return from work, can bring immense happiness to them.
While many dogs cherish exploring the outdoors, some face more challenges than others.
Disabled dogs, in particular, struggle with navigating terrain that most dogs handle with ease. For them, uneven ground, thick vegetation, and bodies of water can pose significant obstacles, even with the aid of canine wheelchairs.

Salima Kadaoui was resolute in providing her 18 disabled dogs with the same beach experience as any other canine.
Salima founded the SFT Animal Sanctuary in Tangiers, Morocco, where many of her rescued dogs bear permanent injuries from car accidents and abandonment.
Fortunately, Salima rarely abandons her dogs because she believes that with the right care, they can still live happy and fulfilling lives.
On July 4, she took a few of her dogs on a beach outing to demonstrate the possibilities of rehabilitation.
Despite only having their front legs functioning, the dogs raced Salima from one end of the beach to the other.
Imagine waking up on the sand, hearing a commotion, and seeing 18 dogs racing in wheelchairs!

On the beach, you’ll find dogs of all sizes, from a small corgi to a large German shepherd. The impact of the canine wheelchair in saving lives is truly remarkable.
With their wheels in place, these dogs can run just as fast as their able-bodied peers, despite not being able to use their back legs.
There’s even room for some lighthearted moments! In one instance, a corgi grabs Salima’s shoe, playfully shakes it, and then returns it to her.
In another video, a cheeky dog can be seen playfully biting the wheel of a friend’s wheelchair while they race down the beach at full speed.

This group of dogs clearly has a playful spirit, and it’s heartwarming to see how Salima has given them the life they truly deserve.
There’s no question that these dogs are proud of their achievements.
They have valuable lessons to teach us. Many people, including those without disabilities, often compare themselves to others and wish for things they don’t have.

We should strive to be more like these dogs, appreciating what we have without fixating on what we lack.
Salima and her puppies’ video has garnered approximately 1.5 million views.
In an interview with The Tale Trender, Salima shared, “At the Sanctuary, we care for around 600 animals, including dogs, cats, horses, and monkeys.”