Tilly might not have been a “normal” puppy, but Giannini wasn’t concerned because she saw uniqueness as a positive quality.
Giannini recounted, “When I arrived, they told me that one of the puppies was deformed and that they couldn’t find her a home, which might lead to euthanasia. Before they even finished that disheartening statement, I had already fallen in love with her and envisioned our future together.”

The only time this small dog needs a bit of help is when she’s navigating furniture, for which she uses a special little staircase. Because of her rigid spine, she can’t turn her head to scratch or groom herself, so her owner ensures to set aside time each day to give her some scratches and a gentle massage. Tilly continually shows her appreciation for the love and care she receives in her home.
“She sleeps in bed with me like a little person, resting her head on the pillow and snuggling her legs under the blanket,” Giannini shared. “She always wants to be close by. When I’m cooking, she positions herself right between my legs. When I’m working on school tasks, she lies right next to me with her paws touching me.”
“Every hour or so when we’re at home, she’ll come up to me for kisses and then return to her spot,” Giannini added. “It’s like clockwork. It seems she needs those kisses to keep going!” Even though Tilly doesn’t see herself as different, her unique appearance often catches the eye of both people and other dogs on the street.

Giannini notes that other dogs are frequently fascinated by Tilly and tend to be more gentle with her. Tilly seems to be aware of her own uniqueness and has become indifferent to it; she insists on playing with every dog, no matter their size.
Giannini values every moment spent with Tilly, feeling she has gained so much from their time together.
“Tilly reminds me daily to be grateful for each extra day,” Giannini shared. “She constantly shows me that being different is something truly special.”
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